Св. источник

thumb_ist13The water of the Spring is tasty and healthy. But after the Cross Processions with prayer and icons to the Spring, it becomes life-giving indeed. All people who come here with true faith and hope for the help of Saint Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian are given all the necessary: the absolution from sins, the strength of soul and body, the awakening of good thoughts and feelings, the joy of the miracle of God. Sometimes diseases are cured.

A man who blasphemes, on the contrary, may be punished by paralysation or other illnesses: God shall not be humiliated. Bathing of people who are drunk is banned. There may appear spasms of the brain vessels.

One should dive into the water of the bathhouse thrice to get God’s Blessing. If a person wishes and is able to do it, he may do it once again.

thumb_ist14The water of the Spring should be used with veneration. One should drink one third or half a glass of it on an empty stomach after saying morning prayers at home every day. It is permitted to drink this water during the whole day and use it in cooking food or making tea. It is better to store it in a cool and dark place.


Rules of behavior for a person who wishes to bathe in the Holy Spring.

Dear brothers and sisters!
The Holy Spring is situated on the territory of St. John the Theologian Monastery. We ask you to treat this Holy Place with veneration. It is not allowed to be present here being drunk, to smoke, to swear, to throw coins, to leave garbage, to walk dogs at the Spring.