Св. источник

Nadezhda writes: "My husband and me go to the Holy Spring to take water from it regularly. On June evening we went there as always. The evening was unusual. There had been a thunderstorm before and the air was full of the fragrance of the grass and the wood. We felt the state of the nature. Our souls were peaceful and calm. Following the example of a man, who was going ahead we went barefoot. Before that my husband had told me that his foot had been aching for several hours. Some excrescence had appeared on it and it hurt him to push the pedals of the car. I began to talk him into bathing. He was afraid of cold water and he had never bathed there before. But when if not now? and plunged into the water. It was late and he was alone in the bathhouse. When we were walking to the car, my husband said to me ‘Look at my toe! It’s all red and it’s burning. As if something were coming out from me through it.” In our car we took on our shoes, crossed ourselves and went home. Scarcely had we reached the town of Rybnoye when my husband said to me "My leg doesn’t hurt at all, as if there had not been anything. It is a miracle!"

Here the power of the Holy Spring and the land which surrounds it was shown."


Save us and keep us.

ist15Thousand of believers have opened and continue to open for themselves this blessed place. Tourists and pilgrims come here from different parts of the country and sometimes from abroad. The Grace of God accepts everybody. We should preserve this unique place very carefully!

What is the secret of the healing power of the Holy Spring? Is it in its composition? Yes? It unique in the number of microelements, argentums is also present there ( in the normal measure). But why does the water help somebody and others don’t "get any help"?

The main secret is in ourselves. It is given according to our faith. In the monastery they explain it in this way: