Богослужебный строй

thumb_bogosl7On Sunday evening Paraklesis is often celebrated and during Assumption fast it is served almost every day. It is an office dedicated to the honor and praise of the Theotokos at one of Her revered icons: of the Sign, of Tikhvin or at the icon of Assumption.

Lenten service is distinguished by great length and unforgettable beauty.

bogosl3On certain days of common church feasts and locally venerated feasts sacred processions round the church, monastery or to the Holy Spring are organized.

Special devotional atmosphere during the services is created by old-Russian chants performed by the choir of the brethren. Znamenny chants and the songs from the early Russian polyphony are usualthumb_bogosl9ly sung. Sometimes Divine services are beautified by vocal music in Greek. In Easter time the troparion to the Resurrection of Christ is often performed in Georgian.

A man who is used to partesnoye singing can hear his favorite sounds of late polyphony during long monastic services, meet musical harmony of the XVIII – XIX centuries, which are delicately entwined into the fabric of the service and do not disturb its common “medieval” harmony.

One would like to believe that everyone, who compels himself to follow everything which happens during the Divine service with attention and devotion, will be shown something especially important, something that will sink deep into his heart, something like a precious experience to which he will return again and again thereafter deepening his soul with its content.

Anyone who managed to participate in Sacred Mysteries righteously will be given especial help - his soul will wash away its blot and will acquire new strength to struggle against passions.

Anyone who prays at the monastery relics with lively faith and приложится to them will become closer to the saints who granted us this sanctity: their relics and icons.